Why Use Pole Base for Streetscape Lighting Projects?

Avg. Read Time: ± 3 min, 45 sec

When installing or replacing streetscape lighting, it's vital to choose a solution that is not only efficient and impressive but also keeps the project on track while boosting community pride and confidence. The main street of your hometown leaves a lasting impression on both visitors and residents, making it crucial to select streetscape lighting products that will enhance the experience for years to come.

Elevate the visual allure of your upcoming streetscape project with the aesthetically pleasing and high-strength Pole Base precast light pole foundations. Not only will they enhance your project's appeal, but the quick and easy installation process also ensures that timelines will stay on track and disruptions to daily life in your community will be minimized.

The Pole Base-ics

Short on time? Here are this article’s key takeaways…

Pole Base can accommodate a standard or decorative light pole to complement streetscape architecture.

Pole Base precast bases require less space for installation and can be installed in a fraction of the time compared to cast-in-place alternatives.

While Pole Base provides an aesthetic appeal above grade, it is also efficient to install in below-grade scenarios.

By choosing to install Pole Base, you’re selecting a product that will help you complete your streetscape project quickly and beautifully, earning you a win in your community on a high-visibility, high-impact project.

person on bench next to pole base light pole base

Pole Base is a versatile fit

Pole Base precast bases are designed to be flexible, accommodating both standard light poles and decorative poles. Offering customizable anchor bolt patterns tailored to your project's specifications, each base is delivered to the job site fully finished and ready to install. With the streamlined Pole Base system, there's no need to wait for concrete to cure on-site or for various contractors to contribute to installing cast-in-place foundations. This means you can keep on track with important project timelines.

Precast keeps traffic moving

Streetscape projects can be challenging when working in a tight space near busy roads. Pole Base offers an efficient installation process that minimizes traffic disruptions and adheres to project timelines, resulting in higher satisfaction from residents, visitors, and business owners in your community. Pole Base can even be installed in rainy and cold weather without compromising the structural integrity of the bases.

Pole Base installers follow a simple process to place each Pole Base, which includes:

  1. Augering a placement hole
  2. Preparing a gravel base to set each base on
  3. Lifting and placing each precast base
  4. Backfilling as required
  5. Attaching light pole

From off the truck and into the ground, you’ll save space and time by selecting precast bases for your project. With the customization of Pole Base to various dimensions you’ll ensure contractors are met with ease while installing bases that are crafted to fit the project specifications.

pole base installation with worker using level

Go below grade

Below-grade bases are foundations with tops installed at ground level and are often specified for streetscape projects. Below-grade installations not only safeguard the integrity of the precast concrete base but also help keep the focus on an architectural light pole if you’ve opted for something ornate. You’ll want your light poles to stand on a secure and expertly reinforced foundation to ensure your community’s security and the longevity of your investment.

Pole Base's precast foundations embody strength. With the capacity to precast bases in sizes ranging from 12- to 36-in (304.8 to 914.4 mm) diameters and lengths up to 13 ft (3.96 m), all within a completely controlled environment, Pole Base producers can guarantee that your bases are constructed precisely to your project's specifications. This includes casting in conduit, rebar, and anchor bolt projections, eliminating the need for adjustments upon arrival at your job site and saving you and your contractors valuable time.

pole base light pole next to sidewalk

Level up your lighting

Opting for precast light pole bases instead of cast-in-place alternatives adds a level of professionalism to the job site. It challenges the traditional belief that cast-in-place bases are superior and embraces a cleaner, more efficient installation process. With Pole Base, seamless steel forms produce a more aesthetically pleasing product under controlled conditions. Cast-in-place foundations must cure in the elements, leading to flaws in the base's integrity and surface imperfections, including unsightly seams. Ready-mix trucks must also spend extensive time on your project site to pour cast-in-place bases, potentially leading to traffic issues in an area of your community where you can least afford them.

You can avoid the common issues associated with cast-in-place bases by choosing precast bases for streetscapes. Installing Pole Base is a plug-and-play process, and you’ll be celebrated in your community for keeping your high-visibility project on schedule. You’ll be your commercial district’s hero for reducing access delays for business owners and limiting road closures and traffic delays for residents and visitors.

two workers going through guide next to a Pole Base light pole


Successfully overseeing a streetscape project from beginning to end is a considerable challenge. As a project owner, there are multiple elements to juggle. You’ll be keeping contractors on-spec and on schedule and ensuring community members and elected officials are seeing the progress they expect. When you utilize precast Pole Base for your streetscape project, you’ll take the worry out of the lighting portion of the job.

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